S. M. Zahrai was born in Tehran, Iran in 1964. He received his B.Sc. in civil engineering from Tehran Polytechnic in 1987, his M.Sc. in structural engineering from the Univ. of Tehran in 1990 and his Ph.D. in structural engineering from the Univ. of Ottawa in 1997. He has been a professor at the School of Civil Eng., the University of Tehran since 1999 (Associate Prof. in 2008 and Full Prof. in 2015). His main research interests are passive and active structural control, seismic evaluation and retrofit of buildings and bridges and analytical and experimental studies of connections in steel structures. He has authored many publications including 12 books, more than 450 journal and conference papers, so far supervised about 180 theses and research projects, managed and directed lots of large steel and concrete building tower or bridge projects in design and construction phases, served a few conferences as the chairman, and many international journals as member of editorial board or reviewer. S. M. Zahrai has been also a member of many scientific societies and innovation advisory committees in Iran, awarded a few times for teaching or research and uniquely recognized for about 400 workshops and educational sessions held on different aspects of seismic design, retrofit and construction of steel and concrete building and bridge structures. For my detailed CV and list of publications, refer to my web page at http://eng.ut.ac.ir/CIV/zahrai or ResearchGate at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Seyed_Mehdi_Zahrai