Earthquake Disaster Management with Considering the Importance of Recovery

Document Type : Research Papers


1 Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

2 Highway and Transportation Engineering Department, Civil Engineering Faculty, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


With respect to disasters, earthquake is one of the leading causes of death. Its aftermath can be abated if proper actions take place before the onset of the earthquake. Various sectors in a country are responsible for managing disasters, but the lack of knowledge about the positive effects of their actions makes them reluctant to act decisively. Retrofitting buildings and structures, positioning humanitarian goods, retrofitting transportation links, and devising a disaster response plan all make a city more resistant. The main aim of this paper is to present a robust model to investigate the effect of considering recovery costs on decision making. In this model, the importance of each region changed with due attention to imposed costs to the region without any action. The result shows a 13 percent improvement compare to the previous model. Also, this paper highlights the significance of pre-disaster action on the recovery costs and the importance of taking action before it is too late.


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