Significance of Soil Compaction on Blast Resistant Behavior of Underground Structures: A Parametric Study

Document Type : Research Papers


1 Graduate, Department of Civil engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran


Dynamic response of underground structures has always been a topic of concern for designers and researchers. The behavior of these complicated systems under blast loading is affected by various factors and parametric studies are required to investigate their significance. The importance of soil density around the underground structure through which, the waves of explosion of a penetrator bomb is transferred, has been studied in this paper by using finite difference method (FDM). According to the results, soils with higher degrees of compactioncan absorb explosion energy more significantly. Therefore, the displacements and stresses of underground structure lining in denser soils are moderately lower. Thebending moment of the lining should be given attention, as regards being a critical design parameter.


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