Use of Numerical Simulation to Measure the Effect of Relief Wells for Decreasing Uplift in a Homogeneous Earth Dam

Document Type : Research Papers


1 Water Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.

2 M.Sc. Student of Hydraulic Structures, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

3 M.Sc. Student of Hydraulic Structures, University of Azad Ahar, Ahar, Iran.


Relief wells are used extensively to relieve excess hydrostatic pressure in pervious foundation strata overlain by impervious top strata, conditions which often exist landward of levees and downstream of dams and hydraulic structures. Placing well outlets in below-surface trenches or collector pipes helps dry up seepage areas downstream of levees and dams. Relief wells are often used in combination with seepage control measures, such as upstream blankets, downstream seepage berms, and grouting. Draining seepage water into relief wells decreases uplift and prevents piping. This study examined the effect of relief wells with different diameters at different distances downstream of a homogeneous earth dam using Seep/W software. Also the effect of upstream water level of reservoir on seepage flow to each well was carried out. Results show that by decreasing the distance between relief wells and increasing the diameter of the relief wells, total uplift pressure decreases. The optimum distance between relief wells to decrease uplift pressure was found to be 5 m. The proposed method is recommended in designing relief wells by providing optimum diameter and distance of wells for the sustained yield.


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